There's some AWESOME deals coming up at CVS starting Sunday. Lots of basic school supplies for FREE, plus Electrasol FREE after coupon and more!
There's also several printable
$$ off coupons that expire 8/2, which when combined with these deals can actually make some of them money makers!!
Here's a list of my favorite deals for this week.
Blink tears or gel tears $7.99 get $7.99 EB Limit 1-$3 Blink Tears or Blink GelTears Lubricating Eye Drops 8/2/09 rp
-$1.50 blink Tears lubricating eye drops, any= FREE + $1.50-$3 profit
Caliber or cvs brand 20 ct Pens or wooden pencils 10 ct $.99 get $.99 eb limit 2
(Sun-Tues only)
Caliber or it's Academic Book Covers $.99 get $.99 eb limit 23 Day Sale: Sun, Mon, Tue - after tues, no eb
Caliber or it's Academic Compass/Protractor $1.50 get $1.50 eb limit 23 Day Sale: Sun, Mon, Tue - after tues, no eb
Caliber or it's Academic Flexi Ruler $.99 get $.99 eb limit 23 Day Sale: Sun, Mon, Tue - after tues, no eb
Caliber or it's Academic 5" Scissors $2.99 get $2.99 eb limit 23 Day Sale: Sun, Mon, Tue - after tues, no eb
Caliber sticky Notes 2 ct, Glue stick 3 pk, or Pen Eraser $.99 get $.99 eb limit 23 Day Sale: Sun, Mon, Tue - after tues, no eb
caliber or cvs pharmacy 1 subject notebook $.99 get $.99 eb limit 23 Day Sale: Sun, Mon, Tue - after tues, no eb
Poly Portfolio $.49 get $.49 eb limit 23 Day Sale: Sun, Mon, Tue - after tues, no eb
$10 EB WYB $20 Limit 1
Electrasol, Resolve or Woolite $4.50
-$2.50 Finish/Electrasol Quantum, Powerball Tabs or Gelpacs SS 7/12/09
- Scenario:
Buy 5 Electrasol @ $4.50/ea
- (5) $2.50/1 coupons
pay $10 out of pocket, get $10 ECB back
= FREE after ECB's
Softsoap Nutri Serums 15 oz $4.99 get $4 EB Limit 1 3 Day Sale - Sun, Mon, Tue
-$2 Softsoap® Body Wash or Irish Spring™ Body Wash 15 oz + may not display for all zip codes - worked with zip 45435-$1 Softsoap scrub or Irish Spring body wash 15-18 oz, exp 9/15/09 (if this product comes in a "Scrub")
reinventing beauty magazine coupon= FREE or $1 profit after ECBs depending on coupon
stayfree $5 / Visine drops or wipes $4.50 / Tylenol $4 get $5 EB WYB $10 Limit 1
-$5 off 2 Stayfree Product (excludes Jumbo pack) (bogo up to $6.99) SS 6/28/09 or buy this coupon-$3 Visine Totality Multi Symptom Relief or Visine Total Eye Soothing Wipes SS 6/14/09
see list below of qualifying items and more deals!
- Scenarios #1
Buy 2 Stayfree $5/ea
-(1) $5/2 Stayfree coupon (SS 6/28/09)
Pay $5, get $5 ECB
= FREE after ECB's - Scenario #2
Buy 3 Visine Drops $4.50/ea
-(3) Visine coupons (SS 6/14/09)
Pay $4.50, get $5 ECB
= $0.50 PROFIT after ECBs!
Other deals...CVS Ped Pro $7.99- $2 off CVS Ped Pro
Printable coupon
= $5.99
Centrum 100ct $9.99, $2 ECB
- $3/1
Printable Coupon= $4.99 after ECB
$5 EB WYB $10 Limit 1 (see ad for qualifying items)
Bengay $6
-$2 Bengay SS 6/28/09
- Scenario for Bengay/Tylenol
Buy 1 Bengay and 1 Tylenol
- (1) $2/1 Bengay coupon
- (1) $2/1 Tylenol coupon
Pay $6 , get $5 ECBs
= $1 for Bengay and Tylenol after ECBs
Viactiv $8
-$1 Viactiv V 5/10/09
Stayfree $5 (see scenario in FREE section above)
-$5 off 2 Stayfree Product (excludes Jumbo pack) (bogo up to $6.99) SS 6/28/09 or buy this coupon
-$1 stayfree and here
O.B. Tampons $5
-$1.50 O.B. SS 6/28/09
Carefree Pantiliners $5
-$1 off 2 Carefree 34 ct + SS 6/28/09
Mylanta $5
-$1.50 Mylanta V 6/7/09
Tylenol $4
-$2 Tylenol Extra Strength, any except trial size SS 6/21/09
-$2 Tylenol Arthritis V 5/17/09 or SS 6/21/09
-$1 Tylenol Extra Strength V 6/7/09
-$1 Tylenol Arithritis Pain SS 7/19/09
-$1 Tylenol PM V 6/7/09
-$2 Tylenol PM SS 6/21/09
- Scenario for Tylenol:
Buy 3 Tylenol $4/ea
- (3) $2/1 coupons from selection above
Pay $6, get $5 ECBs
= $1 for 3 bottles of Tylenol after ECBs
Visine drops or wipes $3.99 (see scenario in FREE section)
-$2 visine, any
-$2 Visine A or Visine AC V 4/26/09
-$1 Visine, any SS 6/14/09 or V 4/26/09
-$3 Visine Totality Multi Symptom Relief or Visine Total Eye Soothing Wipes SS 6/14/09 or buy this coupon
-$2 Visine .5 oz +, or total eye soothing wipes All You magazine 8/28/09 issue pg 41
Listerine $3
-$.50 Listerine Antiseptic 500 ml V 4/26/09
Pepcid $9
-$1 Pepcid V 6/7/09
Tylenol Cold $6
Benadryl-D $4.50
-$1 Benadryl V 5/17/09
-$1 Benadryl Allergy SS 6/28/09 Thanks to
iheartcvs for these deals, printable $ off coupons and coupon matchups!