These are some deals for Albertson's in the North DFW area. My stores double up to $.50 and triple up to $.35 on up to 4 like coupons.
Michelina's Dinner Entree's .69 ea
- $1/5 Printable Coupon
= $.49
* online says additionaly purchases at $.88 ea so the rest may be $.68 ea, still a good deal
Fresh Strawberries $.99/lb
Home Maker Orange Juice $.99/64 oz
Albertson's 93% Lean Ground Beef $2.99/lb
Thanks to Couponing101 for most of these matchups:
All items listed are Buy One Get One Free - check the ad for some that say “identical item only.”
Boneless Skinless Fryer Breasts or Tenders
Breyer’s Ice Cream - up to $6.49
- 75¢/1 Q (5/17 RP)
= $2.50 ea. or less
Red Baron - up to $5.49
- 75¢/1 Q (4/19, 5/3 or 5/10 SS)
= $2 ea. or less
Sobe Lifewater
- B1G1Free Printable Coupon
= 2 Free
In-store Coupons
Kraft Ranch Salad Dressing 79¢
- $1/1 Printable Coupon (no longer available)
- $1/2 Printable Coupon
= Free - $.29 ea
Kellogg’s Pop-Tarts 99¢
- 55¢/1 Q (6/7 RP)
= 44¢
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